DasKochrezept.de for Hubert Burda Media
Since October 2013, DAS KOCHREZEPT has been published monthly in a high-quality print edition of 250,000 copies. Burda Intermedia Publishing - a company of the Hubert Burda Media Group - has now relaunched the new online platform, which has been specifically optimized for tablet use. We supported the Burda team during the last 3 months of implementation.
- Apache-Solr-Integration
- Implementation
- Module Development
- Theming
- Food

Find good recipes
We had numerous tasks in this extensive relaunch project based on Drupal 7. The majority of the search and search results are built by us. In addition, we were responsible for video integration, recipe slideshows, teaser tiles, landing pages, and part of the layout implementation.
A great, complex project
We love working on big projects. The challenge at daskochrezept.de was finding solutions for problems which had come up during the development process. We were able to achieve outstanding results for Burda because of our deep Drupal knowledge and experience with big projects like this one.

Erneuter Relaunch 2017
Erst kürzlich wurde dieses Projekt nach knapp 4 Jahren erneut mit unserer Hilfe auf einer aktualisierten Version mit frischem Design und neuen Funktionen gelauncht. Jetzt mehr darüber lesen