Lust auf Genuss
Recently we created the new Internet presence for the popular food and pleasure magazine "Lust auf Genuss" based on Drupal 7. The project was realised for Burda Intermedia Publishing - a company of the Hubert Burda Media Group.
- Mobile Website
- Implementation
- Module Development
- Theming
- Food

Well presented food articles and recipes
Drupal 7 provided the basis for the innovative website of "Lust auf Genuss". Using the responsive design, the website is optimally displayed on every device.
The user can easily choose between the recipes or interesting food articles. Projects, which have been implemented similarly are for example meine-familie-und-ich.de or daskochrezept.de.
Simply cooking with new recipies
In the project Lust auf Genuss, the look was particularly important to us. With the simple structure of the articles and recipes, visitors would like to cook the recipe immediately.